My words will not last

My words will not last,

No matter how wise they may seem

For time will dust them away,

In its endless task of cleaning

But if by grace I am able to inspire

One other soul to love

To take the risk of love, for the sake of love

Then I will have written something that will forever endure

For it will be written on the heart of another human being…

Words will one day pass away

But the love we release into creation will never be lost

          Steven Charleston


I wake this morning

Knowing that some morning

I will not wake

My tired rising

My aching body

The haunted face in the mirror

Give testimony to my mortality

Statisticians say I am maxed out

(life expectancy for males having dropped in 2021 to 73)

A sobering thought

That one is living on borrowed time

So I wander, back along my stumbling steps


About the sum of my life

I have done some good

I have done things that are a cause for shame

I am kind and cruel

I am disciplined and impulsive

I am giving and needy

I have helped people and hurt people

I have been someone to admire

And a profound disappointment

And I have written a lot of words




Three books

A blog




Some of them are powerful

Some of them insipid

Words on paper

Words on a screen

Words spoken into the air

To ears listening and not listening


But have I written on any hearts?

Have I been able to stop being assertive

Stop being “right”

Stop being the one who “knows it all”

Stop being opinionated

Have I been able to put my impulsive need

For praise, for admiration

For comfort

For acceptance


To think of others?

Have I had moments when I have listened

Been kind

Been giving

Have I loved?

Have I been one who has

Released love into creation

As much as I have released need into creation?

And fear

I know that I am loved

By Love

I know that when the averages find me

I will return to love

But it would be nice to think

That I have left more than empty words behind

That I have left some love behind

Planted somewhere

In someone’s heart

collateral renewal

You have heard of collateral damage. Now hear of collateral renewal. Every time we act in kindness, in mercy, in love: the impact of our actions radiates out to touch many more lives than the ones in our immediate vicinity. Others we do not know will be affected. The reverberations of our compassion will circle the world. Collateral renewal – healing rippling out, never ending.

                     Steven Charleston


On Friday Jesus was put on a cross

He went by choice

A choice not to meet violence with violence

Hate with hate

He could, perhaps have cursed his tormentors

He could have rained invectives on those gathered around him

Those who had beaten him

Nailed him to a tree

In order to steal his breath

The breath of God within him

Instead from that cross rained down





Drop by drop by drop

Love hit that immense sea of enmity

Creating ripples of renewal

That spread

Moving every outward


His disciples who could have

In anger

Turned to violence


Those who could have luxuriated in resentment


Christ’s love

Creating collateral renewal

We all see those who

Drop hate and resentment into the world

Those create collateral damage

They create ripples of anger

And we


Become smaller




They bring out the worst in use

And make this world hell

But still, love comes

Drop by drop

Filling us

So that we

“act in kindness, in mercy, in love”

We too have a choice

Even when the worst happens

Even then

To radiate compassion

To create collateral renewal

I don’t know what went on in the souls

The hearts and minds of the disciples

On that Saturday

During the great wait

But I hope what they heard were not the cries

Crucify him

But the gentle words

Forgive them

Today you will be with me in Paradise

Here is your mother

Here is your son

I hope I believe

That in that dead silence

Renewal happened

I pray that today

We, those who follow

Can choose love

That we can choose, even as we are assailed

By lies, and hate

By the abuse of power

To look with compassion

Even on our tormentors

Even those who wish us dead


We can act with kindness, mercy, and love

For what comes from the cross must be

Must always be


God are you There?

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it!” —Genesis 28:16

The Bible I set out to learn and love rewarded me with another way of approaching God, a way that trusts the union of spirit and flesh as much as it trusts the world to be a place of encounter with God…. People encounter God under shady oak trees, on riverbanks, at the tops of mountains, and in long stretches of barren wilderness. God shows up in whirlwinds, starry skies, burning bushes, and perfect strangers. When people want to know more about God, the son of God tells them to pay attention to the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, to women kneading bread and workers lining up for their pay….

According to the Talmud, every blade of grass has its own angel bending over it, whispering, “Grow, grow.”  How does one learn to see and hear such angels?

          Barbara Brown Taylor (quoted by the Center for Action and Contemplation)



Are you there?

I wonder sometimes

When my body hurts

And my eyes fail

I wonder sometimes

When I hear the disabled ridiculed

And people laugh

When I hear hate spewed

And people cheer

When I watch as masses, driven by resentment

Are fueled by a desire dominance

I wonder sometimes as I watch us

Destroy the planet for profit

And see dying and starving children

The flotsam of war

O God!

My heart fails within me

My feet stumble

As I see the prosperity of the wicked.

I know there is nothing new under the sun

We have seen this before

The words of an ancient Psalmist echo in my soul

As he laments human arrogance

“Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.

  From their callous hearts comes iniquity; their evil imaginations have no limits.

  They scoff, and speak with malice; with arrogance, they threaten oppression.

  Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.”

          (Psalm 73)

Where are you, God?

Why do you not set things right!?

Why do you not bring down the mighty and lift up the poor?

Are you in this place?

Surely, you are in this place.

Help me to know it.

Help me to see you, God of love

In the brilliant reds of the sunrise

In the majesty of the mountains

In the laughing voices of the streams

Help me to see you, Lord,

In the eagle that flies

And the deer that wanders

In creatures large and small

Help me to see you in the little things

In that act of kindness

That kind word

That smile, that laugh

That comes

I need glimmers of your presence Lord,

Help me to see you

Even where it is hardest to see you

In those human creatures who strive and toil

Love and hate

Destroy and heal

We are so confusing, O Sacred

So confused

Help me to see you, lord, in myself

And in all those others

In whom your image is badly blurred

May I see and hear the angels

Softly whispering

You are loved

You are loved



The danger of certainty

I walked through an earthquake once

as the ground shifted beneath my feet

and the world swayed

and all seemed undone

I breathed deeply

when the ground was once again


and I stood on solid ground



I long for certainty

It would be nice to know

That God is there

That Love will win

I would love to be certain

About what is right and wrong

I envy, sometimes

Those who say with certitude

The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it


It has been said that the opposite of certainty is not doubt

It is openness

It is faith

And I have become certain that certainty

Can be a curse rather than a blessing

And that it is better to question

And struggle

To seek

And explore

Bertrand Russell once said

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.”

There is a strength to certainty

But weakness too

The strength of conviction, perhaps

The passion that comes from believing one is right

But with certainty closedness


A refusal to think, to challenge

To change

we indeed need a degree of certainty to get by

but it is also true that too much of the stuff can be lethal

For with the sureness of certainty comes

What can only be called

Arrogance, conceit, haughtiness

I know the truth, you don’t

I am right, you are wrong

I am saved, you are cursed

The earth is 6000 years old

LGBTQI+ people are sin

God hates all who do not believe the way I do

It is unintentional

Perhaps unseen

But it is there

A stolid, cold, cruelness

Blind faith is truly blind

Blind to people

To pain

To the radicality and irrationality

Of that power we often call God

Certainty stops us in our tracks

It keeps us from learning



From seeing God’s new thing

Give us uncertainty, God

Do not allow us to ever, ever

Believe we understand you (beyond that you are love)

Or to believe we speak for you

Or are the repositories of truth

Or the gatekeepers of the kingdom

Keep us questioning








Let us join the man

Who on his knees in the dust

Cried to Jesus

Lord, I believe!

Help my unbelief

Help us believe

Help us question our beliefs

And lead us forward


Into uncertainty

And a fresh and beautiful


It’s A Good Day to Live

It is a good day to live…

Let me embrace each dawn as a gift

Let me walk the hours of day unafraid

With grace and faith unbounded.

Let evening find me close to those I love

Warming my soul by the fires of their laughter,

Let me sleep believing tomorrow will be a blessing.

          Steven Charleston  (Spirit Wheel)


I am sitting in the dark

Waiting for the light to come

There is always that moment on long winter nights

As the snow falls and the wind howls

When I wonder

If the light will once again return

Will the sun rise over the frozen hills?

Will the clouds break and let

The brilliance of the sun

Set the world afire?

Sometimes if feels as if the light will never come

Or if it rises will do so weakly

Pale light

Which brings no warmth

No resolution to the cold bleakness

It is hard to have hope these days

So much of the world lies in the cold darkness

Of human suffering, oppression, inequality

Hate is piled on top of hate

Violence begets violence

And our eyes have become adjusted to the light

And daily we trod


Picking our way through the darkness

Leaving it untouched

Yet we are called to the light

To embrace it

And carry it

To be, not candles in the wind

But angel fire

People who set the world aflame

With hope

So let us rise

Let us raise our voices to the heavens


It is a good day to live…

Let embrace this day as a gift

And walk through this troubled world unafraid

Full of grace and truth

May the Spirit burn like a fire

So that we walk in the light

And become light in the darkness

And may we join with others

In singing the song of hope and love

Joining our light together

So that the fire of God’s love

Sets the world aflame

And our souls are warmed

And hope is birthed

This is a good day to live

And serve


His Word is a lamp unto my feet

A light upon my way

And I do well to pay it heed

Until the final day

Until the day dawns

And the morning star

Arises in your heart

Take this lamp and light your way

To your eternal home

                     John Fischer


“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow’s cause,” (Isaiah 1:17).

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”

Elie Wiesel

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956


What is justice?

Perhaps justice is as simple as a person getting

what they “deserve”

If I eat too much, I gain weight

That’s justice

It is justice too, of a sort,

If I do something risky and foolish and get injured

But justice is more than consequences

Justice is about setting things right

This is why Sacred demands justice

Love requires justice

It requires that if something is not right

It be corrected

It requires that if something is out of balance

That if one person has too much power

And another not enough

That be resolved

That if one person is harming another

The harm stop

But more, that repair begin

Justice is not just punitive

It is restorative

And justice is for all

The rules don’t change

Dependent on who you are

If there is justice

It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor

A person who is white, or BIPOC

A person with power, or a powerless person

Justice demands that all be treated the same

Because in the eyes of God

In the heart of the Sacred

All are the same


Of all the dangers that are out there

In this angry and torn world

The loss of justice may be the greatest

The loss of justice may grieve God the most

Because a loss of justice is a loss of love

Justice has always been the last defense

Against hate, racism,

The abuse of power,


Justice has often been the one thing

That has saved us, as a nation

As a world

When justice dies

Countries die

People die

Hope dies

Love dies

When justice dies, evil thrives

We have seen it

All too often

And now we see it again

In a country that

Pledges “liberty and justice for all”

And yet

An unjust process

Created a tainted court

And now justice has died

And a malignant person of power

Is not getting what he deserves

Is not treated “equally”

And we are seeing the foundations of justice

Ripped out

Leaving us with a house built on sand

And so we must protest

We may not be able to prevent injustice

We may be powerless to keep our country from becoming

A place where justice, equity, equality

And thus love, have died

But we cannot slide into this abyss

In silence

As I hear the news

Watch a deeply flawed and abusive person

Play games with justice (and with our country)

As I watch a badly tainted (and even corrupt) SCOTUS

Deny justice

My heart hurts

It weeps for my beloved country

Because justice will be served

God’s justice will not be denied

God has always demanded justice

And justice has always meant bringing down the mighty

And lifting up the poor

“For three sins of Israel, even for four, I will not relent.

They sell the innocent for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals.

They trample on the heads of the poor as on the dust of the ground

and deny justice to the oppressed…

Fallen is Virgin Israel, never to rise again, deserted in her own land,

with no one to lift her up.”  (Amos)

O Sacred One

O Love

We know that you always rebuild

But you often rebuild only after we have destroyed

After we have taken the path to devastation

Turn us around Lord

Wake us up!

Stir the fires of love and justice!

Give us voices to protest

Give us the resolve to choose wisely (and vote wisely)

May we choose justice over power

Justice over profit

Justice over retribution

For we would be your people

And walk in your way

Which is to walk humbly, in love and justice

With you

Where is God

Through centuries God’s voice cried in the wilderness.  How skillfully it was trapped and imprisoned in the temples.  How often it was drowned or distorted?  Now we behold how it gradually withdraws, abandoning one people after another, departing from their souls, despising their wisdom.  The taste for the good has all but gone from the earth.  We heap spite upon cruelty, malice upon atrocity… There has never been more reason for human creatures to be ashamed than now. Silence hovers mercilessly over many dreadful lands.  The day of the Lord is a day without the Lord.  Where is God?

          Abraham Joshua Heschel, “I Asked for Wonder”


Has God gone silent?

Has Jesus left the building?

Has the Sacred decided to depart

Is the day of the Lord without the Lord?

Where is God?

Is God gone, or have we simply silenced the voice of love

Have we drowned and distorted God’s Word

Have tried to contain the fire of the Spirit

The wild breath of God

In our sanctuaries and our creeds

We have attempted to trap the wind

We have slammed shut the windows of our sanctuaries

Hoping to contain that which cannot be contained

But a wind that cannot move cannot move us

We have attempted to enshrine the Sacred

We have invoked the name of God’s most high

In the high places we have created

Claiming God in the halls of justice

In the stifling halls of power

But God is not there

The wind of God is blowing

In the wilderness

In poverty stricken cities,

God is tenting with the homeless

God is digging through the rubble of Gaza

The voice of God cries out in the wildernesses

Created by our greed, our hate, our lust for power

As we in the name of God

“heap spite upon cruelty, malice upon atrocity”

God shows up

Among those we would throw away




Where is God?

In the rubble of Rafah

Under a freeway overpass in America

In the waters of the Rio Grande

In a bombed-out building in Ukraine

God is

God is present

God is love and power mixed

God still speaks, still acts, still loves, still transforms

In the wild places

In the broken open places

Of great need

And great humility

If we go to church, it may well be

that we do NOT hear the voice of God

but if we go to a person in need

if we stand with an LGBTQI+ person

if we stand with the oppressed and suppressed

we might well hear God’s song of love

echoing in the wilderness

wounds at work

Your wounds are hard at work making their sacred medicine in the hidden spaces below the scars. With loss, there may be nothing satisfying for you to reclaim. If a special person has died, or love went away, what we yearn for most is an impossible return. The sacred task at hand is to let yourself be reclaimed by something deeper than the immediacy of struggle and pain. This something need not be identified or fixated upon, but surrendered to.

          Pixie Lighthorse, The Wound Makes the Medicine


What do we do with our pain?

What do we do when we are crushed by a parent’s death?

A lover’s betrayal?

What do we do when cancer comes?

When all the world unravels around us

and the righteous suffer, and the wicked prosper?

What do we do with the fear,

as hate and racism abound?

As inequity and injustice flourish?

As people worship power, and guns, and violence?

And love seems to lose, again and again, and again.

What do we do with the wounds,

with the broken parts of us?

Do we allow the pain to transform us?

Or do we go deep, to where Love dwells,

and allow the pain to be transformed?

Is it really that simple?

I do know that sometimes when I am hurt,

or when I am afraid, the pain transforms me

and makes me less.

It makes me angry, bitter, fearful, protective,

judgmental, and worse

I fear the hateful creep of fascism, and I become hate-filled.


At other times what I have experienced makes me better, more.

It makes me more understanding and kinder,

it gives me the capacity to be “with” people in their pain,

and to promote healing.

It has been said that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

People point to wood that has been broken and is now repaired

and how a patched section of wood has a new strength.

But is it not the pain

It is not that which broke the wood that has made it stronger.

It is the glue

It is not those things which tear us and erode us that make us stronger

It is the healing

created by Sacred Presence

As we allow God to reknit us, reform us

We do become stronger, different


We are torn and rent by many things

Our country, our world too, have been shredded

By hate and fear

By malignant leaders who grab power and abuse it

By war

By guns

By a love of domination

By greed

Those things can destroy us

They can never make us stronger


God is

Love is

And when God who is love

Is present in our lives

Healing happens

And when we are healed

We can be a force for healing

Thanks be to the God

Who makes all things new

Finding he Words

If I can find the words in my mind

The words could explain, but the words won’t come…

And I don’t know what to say

          The Zombies, Chris White


It is like a silent scream

It builds inside me, filling me until I am stretched


Unable to contain it all and yet

Caught with the unutterable

All around me, there is pain, anger, fear, distrust, hate

There are people trusting the deceitful,

living a lie

living without insight or understanding

pushing our world into the abyss

of climate change, division, and war

I pick it up and carry it

The slide into fascism

The racism

The inhumanity at the border

I pick it up and carry it

the pain of those I listen to and counsel

those who come to me with their own fear and pain

words spill out

there are always words

but they seem to get lost

I speak from the pulpit, and the words twist and vanish

Do they touch hearts?  Heal souls?

In counseling, I seek to say words that will unlock insight,

help people heal themselves (or their relationships)

but do I help?

Amid many words, I feel wordless

as if the words needed somehow

don’t come

not the right words


the kinds words

the healing words

the Spirit Words

those, perhaps, are stuck in my throat

in my heart

perhaps those Spirit Words are entangled

in my own inner chaos

I know I cannot “fix” the world

that it is not my job to heal people

they have to do that themselves

I am no Jonah, no Isaiah

Who can turn a city, and nation around

but I can speak words of love

of hope

of joy

I can speak words that open doors,

create space

raise questions

For today I will speak to God

I will shout to the skies

I will curse, perhaps


I will cry out for release

and will

try to find the words

to say to all I

I love you

How Long

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?

How long will my enemy triumph over me?

          Psalm 13

“Open wide the door of your formless heart and allow God to God in you.”

Conor McCourt (Whispers from the Sanctuary


I have heard it said

that we have shapeless hearts

we are creatures unformed

ready to be shaped and molded

it matters, it seems

what we take into our souls

what we read

who we listen to

whom we trust

we cannot remain empty

for the world assails us

we sink deep into the depths and the pressure grows

as we watch the machinations of human creatures

who have lost their compassion

who have chosen the way of power and cruelty

we watch liars adored

the rich prosper, the poor suffer

we see evil people prosper

and good people die too young

we watch as the planet burns

and humans rain death and destruction on other humans

we watch children killed

We see the blood on the floor of American schools

The shattered bodies of Palestinian, Israeli, Ukrainian children

It is all too much

empty we would implode

and so we seek to fill ourselves

we look for a savior

desperately seeking we consume whatever we think

will keep us powerful, wealthy, safe

and our shapeless hearts are shaped

by whatever we draw into ourselves

by whomever we choose to listen to, and follow

it is easy in our pain, our fear

to choose poorly

to seek power, or wealth

to choose the path of domination and control

to lust for retribution

so easy

and thus we let hate-filled leaders

fill us with hate

people caught up in greed, seduce us with promises of wealth

people filled with resentment fill us with a desire to hurt and punish

our shapeless hearts become hard

and we respond to pain by creating more pain

to violence by creating more violence

to hate by creating more hate

we drop bombs

send drones

close borders

shame and abandon the vulnerable

embrace racism

pursue power and wealth

This is why the wicked prosper

Open our hearts, O Beloved one

Open our shapeless hearts

And fill them with your presence

The world is a mess

The evil do prosper

Justice is a joke

Equity is a distant dream

Fearmongers on the right

Fearmongers on the left

And there we are in the middle

Crying out “How long!”

Shape our hearts O Lord

So that we may resist the world with love

So that in the midst of our lament, we may still love

So that as everything falls apart around us

We may still love