line in the sand

Our line in the sand is clear.

Love compromised is faith denied.

          Steven Charleston


If we can recite bible verses without end

If we have memorized a catechism perfectly

If our theology is immaculate

If we hold vast to the social norms of our ancestors

Deeming them holy (indeed)

If we loudly proclaim that we are for

Family values

and are pro-life

If we thump a “God Bless the USA Bible”

And arrogantly push our faith

As “the faith”

If we brag and boast

And post short reels of Christianity

Strutting its stuff

But have not love

We are denying our faith!

If we protest for Gaza

and stand up for women

and the marginalized

and make noises

about feeding the hungry

and clothing the naked

and housing the homeless

and protecting the vulnerable

but forget to love

we are denying our faith.

Words are words

Creeds are creeds

Values are values

They may speak of love, insist on love, tout love

But they are not love

Love is not insisting on “our own way”

It is not controlling or coercing

It cannot be legislated

Or imposed at gunpoint

Love never stirs up hate for the sake

Of power or wealth

Or even “rightness”

Love does not follow leaders whose power comes from hate

Love is a blanket

A place to stay

Love is respect



serving, caring


Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable; it keeps no record of wrongs; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Faith enables us to love

Love is the fruit of faith

Do we believe enough in God (who is love)

Do we feel safe enough in God

Do we trust God enough

To love?

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